Thursday, November 27, 2008

Best Tips for Hot Flash Relief

Tips for Reducing Hot Flashes
There are ways other than taking prescription medication to deal with annoying hot flashes. Some of the best remedies for hot flashes include exercising, reducing stress and avoiding common triggers like spicy food and alcohol.

Maintain a Healthy Diet
There are types of foods you can eat to help reduce hot flashes. Drink milk and eat calcium-rich foods such as yogurt and cheese. Eat dark green, leafy vegetables including broccoli and spinach. Eat vegetables, fruits, and whole-grain cereal products. Consume foods that are high in vitamin C and carotene such as oranges, grapefruit, carrots, winter squash and tomatoes.

Exercising regularly is good because it helps you maintain hormonal balance.

Avoid triggers
Hot flashes are triggered by caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, or drinking or eating something very hot, like soup. Avoid eating large amounts of food at one time. Avoid stressful situations.

Reduce stress
Researchers have found that deep, slow breathing can reduce the effects of hot flashes by half, probably by calming the central nervous system.

Avoid getting overheated
Dress in layers so you can remove them at the first sign of a flash. Keep cool by using cotton sheets while sleeping and by wearing lightweight clothes and lingerie made of natural fibers that allow your skin to "breathe".

Consider Soy
Eating a soy-rich diet might help because soy products contain estrogen-like substances. Foods that contain soy include tofu, tempeh, miso, soy milk, whole soybeans, texturized vegetable protein, and soy powder.

Consider Natural Remedies or Herbs
The most popular herbs for hot flash relief are black cohosh, blue cohosh, dong quai, unicorn root, fennel, wild yam root, sarsaparilla, red clover, and yam.

Consider Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
BHRT is considered natural because the hormones used in BHRT are taken from soy and/or yams. The advantage of BHRT over traditional HRT is the fact that the BHRT hormones are made to be identical to the moleculer structure of the ones produced by the human body.

For more on natural help with menopause and hot flashes,

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